The Event Film

A cinematic immersion capturing the defining moments of the Rum Ecosystem territories.

The Otahiti Cane of French Polynesia

The 52-minute documentary on Otahiti cane begins with a historical segment, where the audience learns that sugarcane, one of the most widely planted crops in the world alongside wheat, corn, and rice, has been known since prehistoric times and is thought to originate from New Guinea or Southeast Asia.

Ten years ago, Marotea Vitrac took on the challenge of producing high-quality agricultural rum in Tahiti, French Polynesia. Starting with one hectare of plantation, he discovered the diversity of sugarcane varieties thriving in the region.

In 2017, he began a thesis with UPF and CIRAD on the Otahiti cane to learn more about this plant that Polynesian ancestors brought with them during their extraordinary journeys across the Pacific.

The setting for this adventure is more than just a backdrop: Polynesia with its enchanting beauty in all its splendor, featuring four archipelagos of French Polynesia on screen and more, including Hawai’i…

Most importantly, it highlights Polynesian men and women with their strong characters—people who work with the land and with science to develop their country from its roots.

Screening at Palais Brongniart on Thursday, February 13, at 6 PM

More information coming soon