Opportune 1791


Les sens du Rhum
Opportune 1791 incarne l’excellence et le raffinement dans l’univers des spiritueux. Fidèle à son héritage, la marque s’appuie sur un savoir-faire traditionnel pour élaborer des rhums d’exception, sublimant les arômes riches et complexes. Avec un profond respect pour l'histoire et les techniques ancestrales, Opportune 1791 associe innovation et authenticité pour créer des expériences gustatives uniques. Chaque bouteille reflète l’élégance et la passion qui animent la marque, faisant d’Opportune 1791 un choix incontournable pour les amateurs de rhums prestigieux.
Infos supplémentaires 
11h00 - 12h00
jeu. 15/02/2024
15/02/2024 11:00:00

Vieux, ambré, blanc, arrangés, liqueurs, ti-punch : les 1000 facettes du rhum.

Claudine CORBION
Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier
Mario Gabriel DELGADO
Spirits Portfolio Manager
Monsieur Touton Selection, Ltd.
Three Miles Limited
Philippe MADKAUD

14h00 - 15h00
jeu. 15/02/2024
15/02/2024 14:00:00

Bilan et perspective sur les filières de formation au Rhum sous toutes ses facettes : production, vente, dégustation.
A l'instar des Master of wine, la reconnaissance de la formation des professionnels du Rhum pourrait s'appuyer sur un label.

Philippe MADKAUD



Humans at the Heart of the Rum Ecosystem

The economic activity of rum has always evolved within a deeply cultural context, regardless of the producing country.

Three easily identifiable and inherently rich aspects emerge from the relationship between rum and culture: the representation of rum in art and culture, culture as a tool for showcasing rum, and rum as a link in cultural heritage.

It is undeniable that culture forms a significant part of the world of rum. It brings rum to life, both literally and figuratively, elevating it as an artistic inspiration and a subject of sociological reflection.

Four Main Spheres

The conferences are organized around four main spheres.


With production standards, rigorous controls, and optimized logistics, the rum sector is poised to become a global leader in spirits. The MONDIAL DU RHUM lays the foundation for this recognition, bringing together key players and decision-makers to address economic and environmental challenges. This ecosystem will rely on innovative processes designed to become benchmarks of quality and sustainability.

Explore the Business Sphere Conferences


The MONDIAL DU RHUM places humans at the heart of its ecosystem, a guarantee of success. Governments and institutions recognize the economic and societal stakes of a market that will grow significantly in the coming decades. The success is undeniable, and every rum industry stakeholder aims to preserve their expertise while asserting their role in the global leadership race.

Explore Public Affairs Sphere Conferences


Innovation is essential for progress. The MONDIAL DU RHUM gathers ecosystem players to discuss and act on the industry's future. The future of rum is being shaped here, with innovation as the key to longevity and adaptability. Molecular chemistry, artificial intelligence, circular economy, and new technologies are among the solutions to challenges such as quality, sustainable packaging (CSR), and barrel production methods that influence rum quality and aging.

Explore Innovation Sphere Conferences


The MONDIAL DU RHUM places youth at the center of its priorities, raising awareness among new generations about training and career opportunities in this ecosystem. This second edition aims to address the industry's lack of visibility as a workplace. Which training paths and qualifications are needed? How can agricultural education be promoted? What integration methods are available for qualified professionals? These questions will shape the future of youth in the rum industry.

Explore Education Sphere Conferences